
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day!
Sorry I haven't posted much - "Golf" is overdue, so I've been fairly busy waiting on this little baby.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Presentation Evening

My good friend Kate, from Milestones Academy, recommends that families have a Homeschool Presentation Evening near the end of the school year.

The idea is that this gives the opportunity for people interested in your homeschooling journey can come and see what type of interesting things you have done. A part of this is an opportunity for the children to play their instruments or sing or recite as well as having displays.

I think this is a wonderful idea, but haven't been up to doing it with the baby coming. Also, a lot of our work this year has been oral, so there isn't a lot of nice notebooks or maps or things to show. I'm hoping next year to find a few homeschooling families to have a joint presentation evening.

However, I have filmed a violin song from each of my children. I filmed one from Delta last year, and it is interesting and exciting to see the progress! I recommend anyone doing any musical instrument to make a point of doing a filming each year specifically for this.

The first film is Echo, playing Lightly Row. This is her first official year doing Suzuki Violin. She can play the Twinkles, and is working on learning Song of the Wind.

This video is Delta playing Perpetual Motion. This was his 3rd year doing Suzuki Violin. He knows how to play Allegreto and Andantino which is past Perpetual Motion, but doesn't feel confident enough for filming of them. He has just started learning Etude.

And this is a video of Delta from a year ago, playing Lightly Row. I am amazed with the amount of progress he has made in a year!