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Rightstart Math Cards |
Well, we aren't fully into summer, although with the good weather, we have cut down on how much school we are doing. We are finishing up our AO Readings, doing math review, and working a bit on spelling. That is really about it. I will be making some adjustments soon when I figure out what we will do for "summer school".... But I know what our Summer Math will be!
Simply, for math, each child will do 1 RightStart practice sheet, and then we will play math games. I'm using ANKI to recommend what practice sheet and games should be practiced. We've been doing that for a couple of weeks now, and it is working well. We will be working with ALL the math games in the Math Card Games Book (up to the level each child knows)
I've been finding that we can generally play 5 or 6 card games for each child. And, sometimes someone will play one of the games while I'm working with another (so extra games!)
I'm hoping that this will keep the math very fresh in my children's minds over the summer, as we are partway through level C (so there won't be a review in the program waiting for us in September).
As for other summer subjects.....
There will be swimming daily for 2 different 2-week sessions. Because the pool is under renovations/repairs right now, and won't open until a week after I figured swim lessons would start - it no longer lines up nicely with the Summer Camps that Delta and Echo will be attending - so the last swim session goes right to the end of August. SIGH. Echo will work on "Figure 8" exercises. Delta will work on Reading. I hope to have them do some spelling review (maybe one day a week) - and I'd like to get some reading time in there. (And of course, a lot of outdoor time.) I'll have to see how it all plays out.....