Ok, I haven't gone away. I've even tried to post a couple of times, and something would always happen. Anyway, life with 3 students and a preschooler have kept me busy busy busy!
I mentioned on the RightStart Yahoo group that I had finally found the perfect storage for our Math Card Games box.... and everyone wanted pictures.... So here we go.
I was in Ikea, looking in their storage box area, and there it was... a box with nice slots for cards, deep enough for the Number Card Deck, with slots big enough for envelopes for the multiplication deck sets... and I figured it would be perfect. I have also bought a couple of little boxes designed for holding paper clips / safety pins at the dollar store. They are working well for the Corners cards, the Clock Cards, and the Clock Cards that come from Level A/B Appendixes. Finally I have the Tally Stick / Finger / Abacus / Bead Cards right now in a ziplock bag - they are a bit longer than normal cards, and I haven't found a solution for them yet. Folded in the bottom I have a hundred chart and the Swim to 10 board. There is also room for a couple of pencils, a notepad, and a few legos for Swim to Ten.
Ikea box is a "Glis" box which is about $5 in Canada.
The total cost of this storage solution was about $8, except of course I got the safety pins and paper clips as well.
The only thing that would make it better is if I could put the card games book in there too.
You may want to read about our Manipulatives Storage too.